The lake flies are back!  And much needed in 2015.  The Winnebago system has a low population of bait fish in 2015, and the lake fly hatch this year is critical to maintaining the game fish population at healthy levels.

Chironomid flies begin life as underwater maggots. In fact, these flies are critical to of the lake’s food chain. Ryan Koenigs, a WI Department of Natural Resources fisheries biologist, said:

“Ecologically they’re very important… They are the staple food source for the lake sturgeon throughout most of the year, as well as they’re being consumed by pretty much any other fish out there. I’ve seen walleye stomachs that are loaded with lake fly pupae.”

Lake flies typically emerge from Lake Winnebago in the middle of May and can have secondary hatches over the next few months.  As a result of the large hatches, fishing can become very difficult for walleyes during this period, as the walleyes feed heavily on this food source avoiding other food sources during this period.

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